Friday, June 12, 2009

Massage: So Much More Than Just Relaxation!

Let us explore just a few of the many things proper massage techniques can offer:

1. Boosting the immune system by increasing the production of infection fighting white blood cells. With massage comes an increase in blood flow which accelerates the production of the all important white blood cells.

2. Massage accelerates healing up to 30% by increasing the activity of red blood cells. Again, with the increase in blood flow comes an increase in the productivity of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body and likewise in return remove waste. Massage also promotes circulation throughout the lymphatic system, which also filters out waste.

3. Massage helps break down painful scar tissue. Scar tissue, being more dense than normal tissue can limit blood flow, mobility and aggravate nerve endings causing pain. Vitamin E and certain creams (on the skin) can help keep scar tissue stay more supple. But proper massage techniques can actually help breakdown scar tissue over time and help achieve a more manageable effect on the body.

4. Massage can increase your body's flexibility and mobility. That is, massage can stimulate an increase in the production of synovial fluid which lubricates the joints. For mobility, tight muscles can limit the range of motion in common areas such as the jaw, neck, shoulders, hips, back, arms, legs, hands and feet. These areas can all benefit with consistent work by a qualified therapist. By working deep into tight, overworked muscles, massage can loosen up a stiff neck or nagging back (and many other day to day 'pains'), affecting a change in the quality of life for the individual.

5. Massage creates endorphins. Endorphins can create an opiate type of effect on the mind which is typically produced during exercise and can be commonly known as a 'runners high'. Other occurrences can stimulate their production as well, such as pain and excitement. But massage can also do this for the body with a positive side effect of pain relief and overall sense of well being. In other words, massage can just make you 'feel good' while at the same time relieving your pain!
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Pat said...

Very nice. I am new to massage. I thought that massage was a nice thing to do, while eating chocolate bon bons and having your nails done. I was so very wrong. Therapudic massage is wonderful and Russell is very good.

Chelsa Taylor said...

Massage therapy keeps fit and healthy. Massage has its own benefits it is best treatment to reduce stress.